Sunday, December 25, 2016

Christmas Eve and Church

Dear Mom,

Do you remember all those Christmas Eves spent in church? Sometimes you and me and my sisters (separately or together) had to be at all 4 services (5pm, 7pm, 9pm, & 11pm)?

So we'd get there by an hour before whichever first service we were involved in, and we would basically make camp up in the choir loft.

And by the time we got done, it was past midnight = Christmas. 

I remember.

Wednesday, November 23, 2016


Dear Mom, 

As concert season for me is approaching once you remember coming to basically all the concerts I've been in from age 10 on, whether or not I was solo-ing (or even visible in the sea of faces)? 

Do you remember making the 5-hour (one-way!) trip up to college at least twice a year for concerts up there?  

I remember. 

Love always, #3

Monday, October 24, 2016


Dear Mom, 
Do you remember clearing out the playroom for the three of us when we were little and it was raining, so we could strap on those stupid metal roller skates and still have more fun even though it was raining? 

I remember. 

Love always, #3